
SmartThings is a home automation platform for connecting with Samsung or third-party devices.


  • You need a Samsung account and account credentials.
  • To connect devices, you need the SmartThings app installed on your phone.


To add the SmartThings integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

SmartThings can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.

Manual configuration steps

If it wasn’t discovered automatically, don’t worry! You can set up a manual integration entry:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.

  • From the list, select SmartThings.

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.

Supported functionality

SmartThings represents devices as a set of capabilities. The SmartThings integration maps those capabilities to entities in Home Assistant. A single device may be represented by one or more entities.

Binary sensor

In Home Assistant, a binary sensor entity will be created for each of the following SmartThings capabilities:

SmartThings capability


The SmartThings Climate platform lets you control devices that have air conditioner or thermostat related capabilities.

Air Conditioners

For a SmartThings Air Conditioner to be represented by the climate entity, it must have all of the following required capabilities. If it does not have all the capabilities, the features will be represented in Home Assistant as individual sensors instead of a climate entity.

SmartThings capability Related climate features in Home Assistant
airConditionerMode (required) hvac mode, hvac action
airConditionerFanMode (required) fan mode
temperatureMeasurement (required) temperature
thermostatCoolingSetpoint (required) target temp
demandResponseLoadControl drlc_status_duration (state attribute), drlc_status_level (state attribute), drlc_status_override (state attribute), drlc_status_start (state attribute)


For a SmartThings thermostat to be represented by the climate entity, it must have all the capabilities from either “set a” or “set b”. If it does not have all the capabilities, the features will be represented in Home Assistant as individual sensors instead of a climate entity.

SmartThings capability Related climate features in Home Assistant
thermostat (set a) hvac mode, hvac action, target temp high, target temp low and fan mode
thermostatMode (set b) hvac mode
thermostatHeatingSetpoint (set b) target temp high
temperatureMeasurement (set b)
thermostatOperatingState hvac action
thermostatFanMode fan mode
relativeHumidityMeasurement humidity (state attribute)


The SmartThings Cover platform lets you control devices that have open/close related capabilities. For a device to be represented by the cover entity, it must either have the doorControl or windowShade capability. Otherwise the features will be represented as individual sensors in Home Assistant.

SmartThings capability Related cover features in Home Assistant
doorControl open and close
windowShade open and close
switchLevel position
windowShadeLevel position
battery battery_level (state attribute)


The SmartThings Fan lets you control devices that have fan-related capabilities. For a SmartThings device to be represented by the fan entity, it must have one or more of the capabilities below in addition to the switch capability.

SmartThings capability Related fan features in Home Assistant
fanSpeed speed (off, low, medium, and high)


The SmartThings Light lets you control devices that have light-related capabilities. For a SmartThings device to be represented by the light entity, it must have one or more of the capabilities below in addition to the switch capability.

SmartThings capability Related light features in Home Assistant
switchLevel brightness and transition
colorControl color
colorTemperature color_temp


The SmartThings Lock platform lets you control devices that have the lock capability, showing current lock status and supporting lock and unlock commands.


The SmartThings Sensor platform lets your view devices that have sensor-related capabilities. A Sensor entity is created for each attribute (below) supported by the device.

SmartThings capability Related entities in Home Assistant
activityLightingMode Activity lighting mode
airConditionerMode Air conditioner mode
airQualitySensor Air quality
alarm Alarm
audioVolume Volume
battery Battery
bodyMassIndexMeasurement Body mass index
bodyWeightMeasurement Body weight
carbonDioxideMeasurement Carbon dioxide
carbonMonoxideDetector Carbon monoxide detector
carbonMonoxideMeasurement Carbon monoxide
dishwasherOperatingState Machine state
Job state
Completion time
dryerMode Dryer mode
dryerOperatingState Machine state
Job state
Completion time
dustSensor PM10
energyMeter Energy
equivalentCarbonDioxideMeasurement Equivalent carbon dioxide
formaldehydeMeasurement Formaldehyde
gasMeter Gas meter
Gas meter calorific
Gas meter time
illuminanceMeasurement Illuminance
infraredLevel Infrared level
mediaInputSource Media input source
mediaPlaybackRepeat Media playback repeat
mediaPlaybackShuffle Media playback shuffle
mediaPlayback Media playback status
odorSensor Odor sensor
ovenMode Oven mode
ovenOperatingState Machine state
Job state
Completion time
ovenSetpoint Set point
powerConsumptionReport Energy difference
Power energy
Energy saved
powerMeter Power
powerSource Power source
refrigerationSetpoint Set point
relativeHumidityMeasurement Humidity
robotCleanerCleaningMode Cleaning mode
robotCleanerMovement Movement
robotCleanerTurboMode Turbo mode
signalStrength Link quality
Signal strength
smokeDetector Smoke detector
temperatureMeasurement Temperature
thermostatCoolingSetpoint Cooling set point
thermostatFanMode Fan mode
thermostatHeatingSetpoint Heating set point
thermostatMode Mode
thermostatOperatingState Operating state
thermostatSetpoint Set point
threeAxis X coordinate
Y coordinate
Z coordinate
tvChannel TV channel
TV channel name
tvocMeasurement Volatile organic compounds
ultravioletIndex UV index
voltageMeasurement Voltage
washerMode Washer mode
washerOperatingState Machine state
Job state
Completion time


The SmartThings Scene lets you activate scenes defined in SmartThings. A scene entity is created for each SmartThings scene.


The SmartThings Switch lets you control devices that have the switch capability that are not already represented by a more specific platform.


Enabling debug logs and diagnostics

If debug logging is enabled, the integration shows all the received events in the logs. The log captures events for that device for 5 seconds, and return a JSON file with the state of the device and the events. Debug logs can be helpful for diagnosing state updates, for example by selecting the button and then turning on the device physically.

Removing the integration

To remove an integration instance from Home Assistant

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & services and select the integration card.

  2. From the list of devices, select the integration instance you want to remove.

  3. Next to the entry, select the three-dot menu. Then, select Delete.

  4. Open the SmartThings app and delete the Home Assistant application from SmartThings.