
The Litter-Robot integration allows you to control and monitor your Wi-Fi-enabled, automatic, self-cleaning litter box and pet feeders.

You will need a Litter-Robot account as well as a Wi-Fi-enabled Litter-Robot or Feeder-Robot unit that has already been associated with your account.


To add the Litter-Robot hub to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Litter-Robot can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.

Manual configuration steps

If it wasn’t discovered automatically, don’t worry! You can set up a manual integration entry:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.

  • From the list, select Litter-Robot.

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.



Entity Domain Description
Litter box vacuum Main entity that represents a Litter-Robot unit.
Night light mode switch When turned on, automatically turns on the night light in darker settings.
Panel lockout switch When turned on, disables the buttons on the unit to prevent changes to settings.
Last seen sensor Displays the time the unit was last seen / reported an update.
Litter level sensor Displays the litter level, only for Litter-Robot 4.
Pet weight sensor Displays the last measured pet weight, only for Litter-Robot 4.
Sleep Mode Start Time sensor When sleep mode is enabled, displays the current or next sleep mode start time.
Sleep Mode End Time sensor When sleep mode is enabled, displays the current or last sleep mode end time.
Status Code sensor Displays the status code (Clean Cycle in Progress, Ready, Drawer Full, etc).
Waste Drawer sensor Displays the current waste drawer level.
Clean Cycle Wait Time Minutes select View and select the clean cycle wait time.
Panel brightness select View and select the panel brightness, only for Litter-Robot 4.
Reset Waste Drawer button Button to reset the waste drawer level to 0%, only for Litter-Robot 3.
Firmware update View and update to the latest firmware, only for Litter-Robot 4.


Entity Domain Description
Give snack button Button to dispense a single snack portion.
Meal insert size select View and select the meal insert size.
Food level sensor Displays the approximate food level remaining in the hopper.
Night light mode switch When turned on, automatically turns on the night light in darker settings.
Panel lockout switch When turned on, disables the buttons on the unit to prevent changes to settings.

Additional Attributes

Some entities have attributes in addition to the default ones that are available for that platform. They are listed below.

Litter Box vacuum entity

Attribute Type Description
is_sleeping boolean Whether or not the unit is currently in sleep mode.
sleep_mode_enabled boolean Whether or not sleep mode is enabled.
power_status string Current power status of the unit. AC indicates normal power, DC indicates battery backup and NC indicates that the unit is not connected and/or powered off.


Actions are utilized for additional functionality that is available in the Whisker (previously Litter-Robot) companion app. The following are currently available:


Enables (with start_time parameter) or disables sleep mode on the Litter-Robot. Currently, this is limited to only the Litter-Robot 3. To make changes to the sleep schedule on your Litter-Robot 4, please continue to use the Whisker app.

Parameter Type Required Description
enabled bool yes Set to true to enable and false to disable.
start_time string no Time at which the unit will enter sleep mode and prevent an automatic clean cycle for 8 hours. This param uses the 24-hour format string %H:%M:%S, with seconds being optional, and is based on the timezone configured for your Home Assistant installation. As such, 10:30:00 would indicate 10:30 AM, whereas 22:30:00 would indicate 10:30 PM.

Example of setting the sleep mode to begin at 10:30 PM.

action: litterrobot.set_sleep_mode
  entity_id: vacuum.litter_robot_litter_box
  enabled: true
  start_time: "22:30:00"