The rest sensor platform is consuming a given endpoint which is exposed by a RESTful API of a device, an application, or a web service. The sensor has support for GET and POST requests.

RESTful Sensor and RESTful Binary Sensor can also be set up as platforms if there is only a single sensor per endpoint.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - authentication: basic
    username: "admin"
    password: "password"
    scan_interval: 60
      - name: "Adult Pool Data System"
        json_attributes_path: "$.response.system"
        value_template: "OK"
          - "runstate"
          - "model"
          - "opmode"
          - "freeze"
          - "time"
          - "sensor1"
          - "sensor2"
          - "sensor3"
          - "sensor4"
          - "sensor5"
          - "version"
      - name: "Adult Pool Data Equipment"
        json_attributes_path: "$"
        value_template: "OK"
          - "circuit1"
          - "circuit2"
          - "circuit3"
          - "circuit4"
          - "circuit5"
          - "circuit6"
          - "circuit7"
          - "circuit8"
      - name: "Adult Pool Data Temp"
        json_attributes_path: "$.response.temp"
        value_template: "OK"
          - "htstatus"
          - "poolsp"
          - "spasp"
          - "pooltemp"
          - "spatemp"
          - "airtemp"
  - authentication: basic
    username: "admin"
    password: "password"
    scan_interval: 60
    resource: ""
      - name: "Kiddie Pool Data System"
        json_attributes_path: "$.response.system"
        value_template: "OK"
          - "runstate"
          - "model"
          - "opmode"
          - "freeze"
          - "time"
          - "sensor1"
          - "sensor2"
          - "sensor3"
          - "sensor4"
          - "version"
      - name: "Kiddie Pool Data Equipment"
        json_attributes_path: "$"
        value_template: "OK"
          - "circuit1"
          - "circuit2"
          - "circuit3"
          - "circuit4"
          - "circuit5"
          - "circuit6"
          - "circuit7"
          - "circuit8"
      - name: "Kiddie Pool Data Temp"
        json_attributes_path: "$.response.temp"
        value_template: "OK"
          - "htstatus"
          - "poolsp"
          - "spasp"
          - "pooltemp"
          - "spatemp"
          - "airtemp"

Configuration Variables

resource string Required

The resource or endpoint that contains the value.

resource_template template Required

The resource or endpoint that contains the value with template support.

method string (Optional, default: GET)

The method of the request. Either POST or GET.

payload string (Optional)

The payload to send with a POST request. Depends on the service, but usually formed as JSON.

payload_template template (Optional)

The payload to send with a POST request, with template support. Depends on the service, but usually formed as JSON.

verify_ssl boolean (Optional, default: true)

Whether to verify the SSL certificate of the endpoint.

ssl_cipher_list string (Optional, default: default)

The list of SSL ciphers to be accepted from this endpoint. python_default (default), modern or intermediate (inspired by Mozilla Security/Server Side TLS).

timeout integer (Optional, default: 10)

The maximum time in seconds to wait for data from the endpoint. If the timeout is reached, the sensor will become unavailable.

authentication string (Optional)

Type of the HTTP authentication. basic or digest.

username string (Optional)

The username for accessing the REST endpoint.

password string (Optional)

The password for accessing the REST endpoint.

headers list | template (Optional)

The headers for the requests.

params list | template (Optional)

The query params for the requests.

scan_interval integer (Optional, default: 30)

The frequency in seconds to call the REST endpoint.

encoding string (Optional, default: UTF-8)

The character encoding to use if none provided in the header of the shared data.

sensor list (Optional)

A list of sensors to create from the shared data. All configuration settings that are supported by RESTful Sensor not listed above can be used here.

binary_sensor list (Optional)

A list of binary sensors to create from the shared data. All configuration settings that are supported by RESTful Binary Sensor not listed above can be used here.


Use either resource or resource_template.

Using templates

For incoming data, a value template translates incoming JSON or raw data to a valid payload. Incoming payloads are rendered with possible JSON values, so when rendering, the value_json can be used to access the attributes in a JSON based payload, otherwise the value variable can be used for non-json based data.

Additional, the this can be used as variables in the template. The this attribute refers to the current entity state of the entity. Further information about this variable can be found in the template documentation


Example value template with json:

With given payload:

{ "state": "ON", "temperature": 21.902 }

Template {{ value_json.temperature | round(1) }} renders to 21.9.