The scrape
sensor integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] scrapes information from websites. The sensor loads an HTML page, and allows you to search and extract specific values. As this is not a fully featured web scraper like scrapy
If you are not using Home Assistant Container or Home Assistant Operating System, this integration requires libxml2
to be installed. On Debian based installs, run:
sudo apt install libxml2
Both UI and YAML setup is supported while YAML provides additional configuration possibilities.
To add the Scrape integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:
Manual configuration steps
If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:
Browse to your Home Assistant instance.
In the bottom right corner, select the
Add Integration button. -
From the list, select Scrape.
Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.
To enable this integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] using YAML, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml
The configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file.
After changing the configuration.yaml
The configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file, restart Home Assistant to apply the changes. The integration is now shown on the integrations page under Settings > Devices & services. Its entities are listed on the integration card itself and on the Entities tab.
# Example configuration.yaml entry
- resource:
- name: "Current version"
select: ".release-date"
Configuration Variables
The resource or endpoint that contains the value with template support.
The payload to send with a POST request. Depends on the service, but usually formed as JSON.
The headers for the requests.
The query params for the requests.
Define the refrequency to call the REST endpoint in seconds.
The character encoding to use if none provided in the header of the shared data.
A list of sensors to create from the shared data. All configuration settings that are supported by RESTful Sensor not listed above can be used here.
Defines a template to get the name of the entity.
Defines the HTML tag to search for. Check Beautifulsoup’s CSS selectors
Defines which of the elements returned by the CSS selector to use.
Defines a template to get the state of the sensor.
An ID that uniquely identifies this entity. Will be combined with the unique ID of the configuration block if available. This allows changing the name
, icon
and entity_id
from the web interface.
Defines a template for the icon of the entity.
Defines a template to get the available
state of the entity. If the template either fails to render or returns True
, "1"
, "true"
, "yes"
, "on"
, "enable"
, or a non-zero number, the entity will be available
. If the template returns any other value, the entity will be unavailable
. If not configured, the entity will always be available
. Note that the string comparison not case sensitive; "TrUe"
and "yEs"
are allowed.
Defines the units of measurement of the sensor, if any. This will also display the value based on the user profile Number Format setting and influence the graphical presentation in the history visualization as a continuous value.
The state_class of the sensor. This will also display the value based on the user profile Number Format setting and influence the graphical presentation in the history visualization as a continuous value.
Defines a template for the entity picture of the sensor.
Sets the class of the device, changing the device state and icon that is displayed on the UI (see below). It does not set the unit_of_measurement
Using templates
For incoming data, a value template translates incoming JSON or raw data to a valid payload.
Incoming payloads are rendered with possible JSON values, so when rendering, the value_json
can be used to access the attributes in a JSON based payload, otherwise the value
variable can be used for non-json based data.
Additional, the this
can be used as variables in the template. The this
attribute refers to the current entity state of the entity.
Further information about this
variable can be found in the template documentation
Example value template with json:
With given payload:
{ "state": "ON", "temperature": 21.902 }
Template {{ value_json.temperature | round(1) }}
renders to 21.9
In this section you find some real-life examples of how to use this sensor. There is also a Jupyter notebook
Home Assistant
The current release Home Assistant is published on homepage
# Example configuration.yaml entry
- resource:
- name: Release
select: ".release-date"
Available implementations
Get the counter for all our implementations from the integrations page under Settings > Devices & services.
# Example configuration.yaml entry
- resource:
- name: Home Assistant impl.
select: 'a[href="#all"]'
value_template: '{{ value.split("(")[1].split(")")[0] }}'
Get a value out of a tag
The German Federal Office for Radiation protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz)
# Example configuration.yaml entry
- resource:
- name: Coast Ostsee
select: "p"
index: 19
unit_of_measurement: "UV Index"
IFTTT status
If you make heavy use of the IFTTT web service for your automations and are curious about the status of IFTTT
# Example configuration.yaml entry
- resource:
- name: IFTTT status
select: ".component-status"
Get the latest podcast episode file URL
If you want to get the file URL for the latest episode of your favorite podcast
# Example configuration.yaml entry
- resource:
- name: Home Assistant Podcast
select: "enclosure"
index: 1
attribute: url
Energy price
This example tries to retrieve the price for electricity.
# Example configuration.yaml entry
- resource:
- name: Electricity price
select: ".text-lg.font-bold"
index: 1
value_template: '{{ value | replace (",", ".") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: "öre/kWh"
Container cleaning by CleanProfs in The Netherlands
This example gets the container type and container cleaning date for the next two cleanings.
# Example configuration.yaml entry. Change postal code and house number to your own address.
- resource:
method: POST
payload: zipcode=5624JW&street_number=17
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- name: "Type container 1"
select: "div.nk-tb-item:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(1)"
- name: "Date container 1"
select: "div.nk-tb-item:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(3) > span:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(1)"
- name: "Type container 2"
select: "div.nk-tb-item:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(1)"
- name: "Date container 2"
select: "div.nk-tb-item:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(3) > span:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(1)"