
The VeSync integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] enables you to control smart switches and outlets connected to the VeSync App.

The devices must be added to the VeSync App before this integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] can discover them.

The following platforms are supported:

  • binary sensor
  • fan
  • humidifier
  • light
  • number
  • sensor
  • switch

Supported devices

This integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] supports devices controllable by the VeSync App. The following devices are supported by this integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more]:


  • Etekcity WiFi Dimmable LED Bulb (ESL100)
  • Etekcity WiFi Dimmable and Tunable White LED Bulb (ESL100CW)

Wall switches

  • Etekcity In Wall Smart Switch (EWSL01-USA)
  • Etekcity Wifi Dimmer Switch (ESD16)
  • Etekcity Wifi Dimmer Switch (ESWD16)

Outlet plugs

  • Etekcity 7 Amp US outlet - ESW01-USA (Round)
  • Etekcity 10 Amp US outlet - ESW10-USA (Round)
  • Etekcity 10 Amp EU outlet - ESW10-EU (Round)
  • Etekcity 15 Amp US outlet - ESW15-USA (Rectangular)
  • Etekcity 2 Plug Outdoor Outlet - ESO15-TB


  • Core 200S: Smart True HEPA Air Purifier
  • Core 300S: Smart True HEPA Air Purifier
  • Core 400S: Smart True HEPA Air Purifier
  • Core 600S: Smart True HEPA Air Purifier
  • EverestAir: Smart Air Purifier
  • Vital 100S Smart True HEPA Air Purifier (LAP-V102S-WUS)
  • Vital 200S Smart True HEPA Air Purifier (LAP-V201S-WUS)
  • LEVOIT Smart Wifi Air Purifier (LV-PUR131S)
  • LEVOIT Smart Tower Fan (LTF-F422S-WUS)


  • Classic200S: Classic 200S Smart Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier
  • Classic300S: Classic 300S Ultrasonic Smart Humidifier
  • Superior6000S: Superior 6000S Smart Evaporative Humidifier


Before you can use this integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more], all devices must be registered with the VeSync App. Once registration is complete, continue with the steps described in the configuration section below.


To add the VeSync integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Manual configuration steps

If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:


Action Description
update_devices Poll Vesync server to find and add any new devices

Power & energy sensors

Many VeSync outlets support power & energy monitoring. This data is exposed as sensor entities alongside the outlet itself. Note that prior versions of the integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] exposed these as state attributes on the outlet switch entityAn entity represents a sensor, actor, or function in Home Assistant. Entities are used to monitor physical properties or to control other entities. An entity is usually part of a device or a service. [Learn more].

Sensor Description Example
sensor.<outlet name>_current_power The present power consumption of the switch in watts 7.89
sensor.<outlet name>_energy_use_today The kilowatt hours used by the switch during the previous 24 hours 0.12
sensor.<outlet name>_voltage The present voltage of the switch in Volts as a diagnostic sensor 120.32
sensor.<outlet name>_energy_use_weekly Total energy usage for week starting from Monday 12:01AM in kWh 14.74
sensor.<outlet name>_energy_use_monthly Total energy usage for month starting from 12:01AM on the first in kWh 52.30
sensor.<outlet name>_energy_use_yearly Total energy usage for year start from 12:01AM on Jan 1 in kWh 105.25

Fan & air quality sensors

All VeSync air purifiers expose the remaining filter lifetime, and some also expose air quality measurements.

Sensor Description Example
filter_life Remaining percentage of the filter. (LV-PUR131S, Core200S/300s/400s/600s/EverestAir) 142
air_quality The current air quality reading. (LV-PUR131S, Core300s/400s/600s) excellent
pm2_5 The current air quality reading. (Core300s/400s/600s/EverestAir) 8

Fan exposed attributes

VeSync air purifiers will expose the following details depending on the features supported by the model:

Attribute Description Example
mode The current mode the device is in. (LV-PUR131S, Core200S/300s/400s) manual
speed The current speed setting of the device. (LV-PUR131S, Core200S/300s/400s) high
speed_list The available list of speeds supported by the device. (LV-PUR131S) high
active_time The number of seconds since the device has been in a non-off mode. (LV-PUR131S) 1598
screen_status The current status of the screen. (LV-PUR131S) on
night_light The current status of the night light (Core200S/Core400s) off
child_lock The current status of the child lock (Core200S/300s/400s) off


Sensors and settings exposed by VeSync humidifiers.

Sensor Description Example
humidity Current humidity (in %) 35
Number Description Example
mist_level Mist level intensity (Range: 1-9, Step: 1). Only available in manual mode. 1
Select Description Example
night_light_level Night light brightness level (Values: off, dim, bright). off

Binary Sensors

Binary Sensor Description Example
water_lacks Indicates whether the device needs a water refill false
water_tank_lifted Water tank is lifted false

Extracting attribute data

In order to get the attributes readings from supported devices, such as voltage from outlets or fan attributes, you’ll have to create a template sensor.

In the example below, change all of the vesync_switch‘s to match your device’s entity ID.

Adapted from the TP-Link integration.

  - sensor:
    - name: "Vesync voltage"
      state: "{{ state_attr('switch.vesync_switch', 'voltage') | float(default=0) }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "V"